input word = C00002729

Metabolite InformationStructural formula
Name 2-Hydroxycinnamic acid
o-Coumaric acid
O-coumaric acid
Formula C9H8O3
Mw 164.04734412
CAS RN 583-17-5
C_ID C00002729 ,
InChICode InChI=1S/C9H8O3/c10-8-4-2-1-3-7(8)5-6-9(11)12/h1-6,10H,(H,11,12)/b6-5+
SMILES O=C(O)/C=C/c1ccccc1O
Start Substs in Alk. Biosynthesis (Prediction)
Kingdom Family Species Reference
PlantaeAlliaceaeAllium sativum Ref.
PlantaeAlliaceaeAllium Sativum Ref.
PlantaeApiaceaeApium graveolens Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeAgeratina conyzoides Ref.
PlantaeAsteraceaeRhaponticum carthamoides Ref.
PlantaeCannabaceaeHumulus lupulus Ref.
PlantaeCucurbitaceaeMomordica charantia Ref.
PlantaeEphedraceaeEphedra nebrodensis Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeDipteryx odorata Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeGliricidia sepium Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeGlycine max Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeMedicago sativa Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaePhaseolus vulgaris Ref.
PlantaeFabaceaeTrifolium pratense Ref.
PlantaeLabiataeSalvia officinalis Ref.
PlantaeLythraceaePunica granatum Ref.
PlantaeMartyniaceaeMartynia annua Ref.
PlantaeMoringaceaeMoringa oleifera Ref.
PlantaeMoringaceaeMoringa peregrine Ref.
PlantaeMoringaceaeMoringa stenopetala Ref.
PlantaePalmaeCocos nucifera Ref.
PlantaePinaceaePicea abies Ref.
PlantaePoaceaeAnthoxanthum puelii Ref.
PlantaeRosaceaePrunus avium Ref.
PlantaeRosaceaePrunus mahaleb Ref.
PlantaeRutaceaeCitrus spp. Ref.
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OrganismAgeratina conyzoides
ReferenceSingh, B and Sharma, R. A., Secondary Metabolites of Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1, (2020), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA.